哥伦布艺术 and 技术学院 considers a full continuum of supports and services for students with disabilities. 评估s for such disabilities are available for students who are struggling in school, have taken part in the Intervention Assistance Team process and are not responding to interventions at that level.

哥伦布艺术 and 技术学院 uses various methods for assessing student’s knowledge levels. 除了, CATA采用爱荷华州基本技能测试, OAA(俄亥俄州成就评估), 答题卡艾德. 性能系列, Direct Reading 评估 and other research-based tests as needed for all students. 专门的心理, 使用社会/情感和成就测试, 在某种程度上, for assessing student eligibility for special education services as determined by the IEP team. 评估由专业人士进行.

*The 哥伦布艺术 and 技术学院 (CATA) has developed policies and procedures in concurrence with the federal and state regulations and guidelines to ensure a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment to all school-age children, 包括残疾人士.


当学生在学校遇到困难时, teams will meet to develop interventions to help students be successful in regular education. The Intervention Assistance Team (IAT) accomplishes/documents this work.

If a student continues to experience difficulties even with regular education interventions, the student may be referred for a multidisciplinary evaluation by the multidisciplinary team, 其中包括学生的家长/监护人.


Parent/Guardian permission is necessary before any evaluation can take place. The parent/guardian is notified in writing of the types of assessments that will be given and the proposed date(s) of the evaluation.

An evaluation team reviews all pertinent data and compiles a report called an Evaluation Team Report (ETR) which states whether a disability or disabilities exist and if the student is in need of special education. Parents/Guardians are members of the evaluation team and will be asked to provide relevant information.

The entire evaluation process must be completed within 60 calendar days from the date CATA receives signed parent permission on the “Consent to Evaluate” form. A copy of the ETR will be given to the parents/guardians and a summary of the report will be communicated to them.

If a student is found to be eligible for special education, the parents/guardians will be invited to an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting. Students eligible for special education must meet one or more of the criteria established by State Standards and regulations for the following categories:

– Specific Learning Disability – Speech and Language Impairment
– Traumatic Brain Injury – Visual Impairment including blindness



IEP是由一个团队开发的, which includes some members of the evaluation team as well as the parent(s)/guardians, 特殊教育教师, 学校行政人员, the regular education teacher(s) and sometimes the student. The IEP includes a description of the programs and services necessary to assist an eligible student. Information that is contained in the ETR is used to write the IEP in the year the student was evaluated, along with information from the other assessments previously completed for that student.

The student’s program is reviewed every year at an IEP meeting or more frequently at the request of an IEP team member, 其中包括父母/监护人.

The IEP team will write annual goals which can be measured and are designed to meet the needs of the student. The IEP team will determine special education services and programs. The annual goals will be evaluated on a regular schedule and parents/guardians will be notified of the progress of these goals in writing.

一旦IEP被开发出来, the parent will receive Prior Written Notice of placement for special education programs and services. 该文件经常将父文件引用到IEP, which details the educational program recommended by the CATA. A parent/guardian must approve the IEP in writing before implementation of the student’s first special education placement.

The location and level of placement are determined at the IEP meeting and are based upon the least restrictive environment where the student can successfully achieve his/her goals. The Least Restrictive Environment would include providing special education services and programs provided outside the general education classroom only when supports and services can not be provided successfully within general education classroom.

CATA considers a full continuum of services when determining an appropriate program for every student with a disability.

Ohio Department of Education Office of Students with Disabilities
这是谁的主意?? Parent’s Guide to the Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act of 2004
Operating Standards for Agencies Serving Children with Disabilities


Please call the front office for details about special education. 614-577-0900

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